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on June 10, 2008 at 4:23:36 pm

Wikified Resolutions


Harnessing the hive for ideas and suggestions to make to Council, to Improve ALA.


Webify Council Transcripts

This has crossed the radar a few times and been atempted a few times, too.  The current iteration comes from WAC (the ALA Web Advisory Committee).  Please take a look at the current text of the proposed Council Transcripts Resolution and add/modify ideas, whereases, therefores, etc.


Council Session Streaming

Based on the discussions and feedback generated from the "Webify Council Transcripts" proposal above, please consider the following alternative.  Please take a look at the current text of the proposed Council Session Dissemination Resolution and add/modify ideas, whereases, therefores, etc.


Next Resolution goes here

Description and link goes here


Copy and paste above to expand the FAQ.


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